bergamotto bergamot bergamota
bergamotto bergamot bergamota

Bergamot Calabria is an association of bergamot producers from the Calabrian Ionian coast, specializing in the promotion and bulk sales of: Bergamot Essential Oil, Bergamot Fruit, Raw Fibers, Juice, and Fresh Fruit.

Our production comes from the fragrant cultivations in the area between Villa San Giovanni and Gioiosa Ionica, in the province of Reggio Calabria. This is a unique area due to its specific microclimate, where only exceptional fruits are produced. The cultivations are strictly organic, meaning that no chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or synthetic insecticides are used, only natural substances.

We provide the following products, coming from sustainable agriculture, in bulk sales (large quantities):

  • Fresh Bergamot Fruit

  • Bowls of bergamot

  • Bergamot Juice

  • Raw Bergamot Fibers

  • Pure and Deterpenated BIO Essential Oil

  • Bergamot Essential Oil without Furocoumarins

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Reasons for choosing our bergamot essential oil

We provide Essential Oil of Bergamot extracted from fruits of organic bergamot, in which there are hives for the production of honey. This ensures no contamination by pesticides and proper sustainable cultivation. The fruits from which the essence is extracted guarantee the quality and authenticity of the origin.



The essential oil of Bergamot is particularly subject to counterfeiting, being a precious essence produced in relatively small quantities.


Bergamot of Reggio Calabria

The essential oil of bergamot is extracted from fruits by enterprises on the Jonian coast of Calabria and from organic agriculture.

Modern extracting technology

Bergamot essential oil is extracted with modern peelers equipped with automatic and centrifugal disc systems for the immediate separation of the essence.


The essential oil of bergamot immediately after extraction is submitted to a chemical analysis and stored in special steel drums, then distributed in sealed containers catalogued with a unique traceability identification number.

Quality Control & Certification

We supply the datasheet with all the necessary information, such as:
Origin, Distilled parts, Main components.


Our organic bergamot essence is destined to:
Perfumers, Food, Pharmacies and Herbs.
We can provide: Pure, Deterpenated, Distillate, Furocumarine free.

bergamotto bergamot bergamota

Our products are intended for

The essence of Bergamot offered by us is destined for: Perfumers, Food Companies, Pharmaceuticals and Herbal

Guarantee for the bought product
Satisfied customers are our greatest pride
We supply secure shipping of the product
Our customer support is our first warranty
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Why choose our products

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    Essential oil extracted from ecologically sustainable cultures

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    The crops in the Ionian area are known for producing bergamots with a fresh and fruity scent

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    All suppliers practice sustainable agriculture.

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    Producers who supply are prohibited from using pesticides or herbicides

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    Fresh organic fruit

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    Essential oil is extracted through centrifugal separation

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    The juice is stored in airtight containers to prevent oxidative phenomena

bergamotto bergamot bergamota
bergamotto bergamot bergamota

The benefits of Calabrian essential oil

Natural antidepressant

If you’re feeling stressed or tense, bergamot essential oil is perfect for you! The soft and fresh scent is a natural antidepressant because it reduces states of nervousness, confusion, depression, stress and fear, bringing serenity and calm even where there is a problem of insomnia, relaxing and conciliating sleep.

Elevates the mood

One characteristic which distinguishes bergamot oil from other oils extracted from citrus is its ability to raise the mood and at the same time soothe worries. This unique ability makes this oil ideal to help handle tense conditions and feelings of sadness.


It acts on the nervous system by neutralizing anxious states, is an effective remedy in case of sleeplessness, because it relaxes, reconciling sleep.

In perfumery

It is used in perfumery as a component of fragrances and is the main olfactory component of the best perfumes.


On the skin, after dilution, plays a powerful antibacterial and disinfectant, in case of abscess and acne. In vaginal washings are indicated or cystitis, leucorrhoea, other infections and irritations of the urogenital tract. In rinses, gargling is recommended against halitosis.

The analgesic properties

Already used in aromatherapy to improve mood and stress symptoms, it can be used in the future in cases of dementia behavioural disorders and chronic pain: the results of preclinical and clinical studies in progress, open up new perspectives for human use.

Essence de bergamot

Essential oil rewards the world’s finest scents

Bergamot is among the most present essences in the composition of masculine and feminine perfumes. It is characterized by its fresh but simultaneously enveloping character.

Bergamot is a component that leaves a mark of character, even when it is between the top notes. The latter are those that stimulate the senses and capture the interest of those who try perfume.

We will find what are the best fragrances that feature Bergamot in their composition.

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Frequently asked questions about Bergamot essential oil

Production area

The Bergamot producing area of Reggio Calabria – Essential Oil DOP affects municipalities located in an area of approximately 100 km on the Ionian coast of the province of Reggio Calabria, in the Calabria region.

Essential oil

Bergamot essential oil comes from Citrus Bergamia, a plant belonging to the Rutaceae family. Recognized for its soothing and antiseptic properties, it is useful against stress and depression.

Quality control

Quality controls are performed in the laboratories to verify and ensure their properties. The organoleptic characteristics are first verified, such as the aroma and colouring of the product. Samples are then analysed to ensure that pesticides are not present. If the quality control is positive, the essential oil is ready to be bottled, it complies with extremely strict standards.

How do bergamots work?

In addition to its use in perfumery, the essential oil of bergamot is ascribed anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and healing properties, while the juice obtained from the fruit seems to have hypocholesterolemic activity and potential antitumor activity.

How should I use bergamot essential oil?

The essential oil obtained from bergamot is an excellent disinfectant, sebum-regulator and antibacterial when applied to the skin. It finds many uses for the treatment of acne and blackheads: just 3 drops combined with moisturizer or tonic to achieve an astringent effect.

How to use bergamots to lose weight?

Bergamot juice would also control both bad cholesterol and decrease blood glucose levels, which is a cure-all for diabetics.
The diet of bergamot is to take fruit juice every morning on an empty stomach and eat breakfast regularly.

How is make bergamot oil?

Extraction is done by cold pressing of the epicarp near the field, in order not to alter its characteristics. Once harvested, the fruit is cleaned and peeled. Immediately after, the skin is mechanically pressed to extract the freshly scented essential oil.

Which vitamins are in bergamot?

  • 10,7 g carbohydrates
  • 0,25 g fat
  • Vitamin C (36% of daily needs in a diet of 2000-calorie)
  • Vitamin A (11% of daily needs in a diet of 2000-calorie)
  • 133 mg of potassium.
  • 2 mg of sodium.
  • Calcium (3% of daily needs in a diet of 2000-calorie)


How is essential oil consumed?


Nevertheless, you should never take essential oils directly. It is advisable to count the drops by diluting them in neutral support such as a teaspoon of vegetable oil or honey, on a neutral tablet, on a sugarcane cube or in a small yoghurt.

How does bergamot smell?

The bergamot has a unique taste, firm, sour, very similar to lemon, but more fruity. “How is its fragrance?” Also known as “The Green Gold of Calabria”, bergamot is a citrus with a delicate scent and not too spicy.

Questions? We’re here to help!

Call us: (+39) 0690 289 085

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